Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Buckshott...

Happy Birthday wishes go out to my son Drew. I wish I was there... We should get together and have a few beers... Oh wait, your only Fifteen, sorry I'll have to drink your share since you're not of legal age yet. I know somewhere, someone will consume a few Black Label Light's for you... For all you do... this Bud's for you... when your old enough to drink it Buckshott, the King of Kids... Have a happy day...

Monday, June 30, 2008

New Hudson Swarm @ The Edwards Family

Gina Edwards called me this morning with a great deal of concern in her voice, she thinks she has bees getting in her house underneath the siding. It sounded as if they might be yellow jackets hanging around, but shortly thereafter this swarm of honeybees appears.

I will finish this story later...